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Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is currently the buzzword in IT industry.The term “Cloud” came from a network design that was used by network engineers to represent the location of various network devices and there inter-connection. The shape of this network design was like a cloud.

With increase in computer and mobile user’s, data storage has become a priority in all fields. Large and small scale businesses today thrive on their data & they spent a huge amount of money to maintain this data. It requires a strong IT support and a storage hub. Not all businesses can afford high cost of in-house IT infrastructure and back up support services. For them Cloud Computing is a cheaper solution. Perhaps its efficiency in storing data, computation and less maintenance cost has succeeded to attract even bigger businesses as well.

Cloud computing decreases the hardware and software demand from the user’s side. The only thing that user must be able to run is the cloud computing systems interface software, which can be as simple as Web browser, and the Cloud network takes care of the rest. We all have experienced cloud computing at some instant of time, some of the popular cloud services we have used or we are still using are mail services like gmail, hotmail or yahoo etc.

While accessing e-mail service our data is stored on cloud server and not on our computer. The technology and infrastructure behind the cloud is invisible. It is less important whether cloud services are based on HTTP, XML, Ruby, PHP or other specific technologies as far as it is user friendly and functional. An individual user can connect to cloud system from his/her own devices like desktop, laptop or mobile.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

The potential for cost saving is the major reason of cloud services adoption by many organizations.
  1. Lower IT infrastructure and computer costs for users
  2. Improved performance
  3. Fewer Maintenance issues
  4. Instant software updates
  5. Improved compatibility between Operating systems
  6. Backup and recovery
  7. Performance and Scalability
  8. Increased storage capacity
  9. Increase data safety

Types of Clouds

There are four different cloud models that you can subscribe according to business needs:
Private Cloud: Here, computing resources are deployed for one particular organization. This method is more used for intra-business interactions. Where the computing resources can be governed, owned and operated by the same organization.
Community Cloud: Here, computing resources are provided for a community and organizations.
Public Cloud: This type of cloud is used usually for B2C (Business to Consumer) type interactions. Here the computing resource is owned, governed and operated by government, an academic or business organization.
Hybrid Cloud: This type of cloud can be used for both type of interactions - B2B (Business to Business) or B2C ( Business to Consumer). This deployment method is called hybrid cloud as the computing resources are bound together by different clouds.

Cloud Computing Services

The three major Cloud Computing Offerings are

SaaS (Software as a Service)
Is a software distribution model in which applications are hosted by a vendor or service provider and made available to customers over a network (internet). SaaS is becoming an increasingly prevalent delivery model as underlying technologies that supports Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) or Web Services. Through internet this service is available to users anywhere in the world. Like : Email,CRM,Gaming,Virtual Desktop & Communication
PaaS (Platform as a Service)
It provides a platform and environment to allow developers to build applications and services. This service is hosted in the cloud and accessed by the users via internet.Like : Database,Web Server & Dev. Tools
IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)
Is one of the fundamental service model of cloud computing alongside PaaS( Platform as a Service). It provides access to computing resources in a virtualized environment “the cloud” on internet. It provides computing infrastructure like virtual server space, network connections, bandwidth, load balancers and IP addresses.

What is Cloud Computing Architecture?

Cloud computing comprises of two components front end and back end. Front end consist client part of cloud computing system. It comprise of interfaces and applications that are required to access the cloud computing platform.
While back end refers to the cloud itself, it comprises of the resources that are required for cloud computing services. It consists of virtual machines, servers, data storage, security mechanism etc. It is under providers control.

Virtualization and Cloud Computing

The main enabling technology for Cloud Computing is Virtualization. Virtualization is a partitioning of single physical server into multiple logical servers. Once the physical server is divided, each logical server behaves like a physical server and can run an operating system and applications independently.
Many popular companies’s like VmWare and Microsoft provide virtualization services, where instead of using your personal PC for storage and computation, you use their virtual server. They are fast, cost-effective and less time consuming.
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