Installing SQL Server 2016 - Standalone Instance - New Features
This topic provides a step-by-step procedure for installing a new instance of SQL Server 2016 using the SQL Server setup installation wizard, and explain some of the best practices to follow when setting up a production server. I will also take a look at the new features when installing SQL Server 2016 compared to older versions.
Click the Installation button.Let’s Get Started!
To launch the installation, I just double clicked on the “setup” exe. Ones doing this the following Planning pane for the SQL Server Installation Center window was displayed.New for SQL Server 2016
- SQL Server Management Tools can now be installed from this screen. The files and binaries will be downloaded when you click this link, as they are no longer bundled with the installation media.
- SQL Server Data Tools can also be installed from this screen.
- Additionally, a standalone instance of R can be installed. R is a statistical programming language embedded into SQL server 2016, making it easy for data scientists and BI professionals to get a good level of analysis without leaving the SQL Server environment.
Click then the first option in the list New SQL Server Standalone Installation.
Select the edition of SQL SERVER you would like you would like to install,chose developer as it’s a full featured installation of SQL Server that can be used for development only, and not in a production environment. You could also enter a key in here instead of selecting a version.
Read and accept the licence.
Select whether or not to allow Microsoft to check for updates and click next.
SQL Server will then check for the latest update.Select whether or not to allow SQL Server to check for updates and click next.

SQL Server Installation will then install some setup files needed for installation and perform a few more checks. As you can see below, a warning has appeared asking me to make sure the correct ports are open on the firewall. Click Ok and then Next to proceed with the installation.
This screen is where we want to select all the features we want to install. I will installing all the features. In a production environment only install the features that are needed. You can also select where to install the binaries and the root instance from this screen. Click next once you have selected the desired features.
If you want a separate account to maintain SQL Server Service, you can create a new user profile and assign the password. Now I don’t need this, so I set the default one and click next.
New for SQL Server 2016
If you are going to install SQL Server as standalone server, Just leave the first choice as default one and click next.
- The ability to install a standalone instance of R is now available in the Shared Features Section.
- The ability to install R services in the database engine is now available.
- The ability to install Polybase Query Service for external sources is now available to install. Polybase query service allows users to query big data sources such as Hadoop using common T-SQL statements.
If you are planning on installing the Polybase feature, then Download Java SE Runtime Environment and install it first.Otherwise you will get this error.
The next screen is where you will need to name the instance, if this is not the only SQL server installation on this hardware.if this is not the only SQL server installation on this hardware leave these settings as default. Click next when ready to proceed.If you are going to install SQL Server as standalone server, Just leave the first choice as default one and click next.
New for SQL Server 2016
- The ability to allow Perform Volume Maintenance tasks to be checked from the Server Configuration Screen.
New for SQL Server 2016
This screen allows us to create files for temp db. Best practice stated there should be 1 file per logical core up to a maximum of 8.I will leave the default setting.You can also spread the files over more than one disk if needed. Once you’re happy with your selections click next.The next screen is to configure Analysis Services,add current user as an administrator and click next.
Select Install and Configure for SQL Server Native Mode and Install only for SharePoint Integrated mode
In the next screen you have to configure the users capable of using the Distributed Replay Controller.
Finally, you can click install and that’s it! SQL Server 2016 and all its new features are installed.
It will take some time for the installation and click next, once installation completes.
Click close to complete the installation.
Give a name to the Distributed Replay Controller.
On the next Screen you will need to accept the terms of the features being installed by clicking accept, and then next.Finally, you can click install and that’s it! SQL Server 2016 and all its new features are installed.
Now let's run SQL Server 2016 for the first time.Oops, I can’t find SQL Server Management Studio.Don’t panic,it's not over yet.
Go to SQL Server Setup and run it, followed by Click Installation then Install SQL Server Management Tools.

Installation will take some time. Click close, once installation completes.
Congratulations SSMS installed successfully.
You can run your SQL Server Management Studio for real this time.
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