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Item Setup 1

Supply Chain - Oracle Inventory

Item Setup and Control in oracle apps r12

Item Attribute Controls

Item attributes are information about an item, such as order cost, lead time, and revision control.
One of the prerequisites for defining items (and assigning values to item attributes) is setting attribute controls.

Control Level

This attribute control type determines whether you have centralized (Master level) or decentralized (Organization level) control of item attributes.

Attributes maintained at the Master level have the same attribute values in each organization in which an item is assigned. For example, you maintain an item's primary unit of measure at the Master level.
Attributes maintained at the Organization level may have different attribute values in different organizations. For example, an item may be min-max planned in a distribution organization but material requirement planning (MRP) planned in a production organization.

Status Attribute

Status attributes enable and disable the functionality of an item over time. Each status attribute allows you to enable the item for a particular use.

Status attributes "Sets Value"           Can't change attributes value
Status attributes "Defaults Value"    Attribute value can an be changed 
Status attributes "Not Used"            Don't use this attributes 

The status attributes are related to the item defining attributes. You cannot enable a status attribute if you do not set the corresponding item defining attribute to "Defaults Value".

 Status Control

Status control describes whether certain status attributes have default values that appear when you assign a status code to an item, and whether status codes control those attribute values after the defaults are assigned to an item.

Item Templates

Templates are defined sets of attributes that you can use over and over to create many similar items. Templates make initial item definition easier. Oracle recommends that you use templates-either those Oracle provides or those you define-when you define your items.
You can apply more than one template on the same item


A category is a logical classification of items that have similar characteristics.
You can use categories and category sets to group your items for various reports and programs.
The flexibility of category sets allows you to report and inquire on items in a way that best suits your needs.

Category Sets

One category set can contain more than one category code

Control level.

Master Level: Item assigned to this category set has the same category value in all organizations where it is assigned.
Org Level: Item assigned to this category set may have a different category value in each organization where it is assigned.

Select a default category.

This is the default category used when assigning an item to the category set. For example, a category set may have a default category called "Clinical Consumables". After an item is assigned to "Clinical Consumables", you can override the default category and choose another relevant category for each item.

Allow multiple item category assignments.

If you enable this feature, you can assign an item to multiple categories within a category set. For example, you may define a Hazard category set. In this case, an item may be assigned to both the Poison and Corrosive categories.

Catalog Groups

You can use item cataloging to add descriptive information to items and to partition your Item Master into groups of items that share common characteristics
  • Enter a unique name for the group.
  • Enter a description.
If you choose to build an item's description from the catalog, the description is built beginning with the information entered here.
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